Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dropped it or Flopped it?

Turning the channel I came across an advert for the American Music Awards. I have fallen out of touch lately with whose new and who's doing what. One name that I hadn't heard in a long while was "Jenny from the block". I changed the channel for my area listing and started to watch all the new and old talent performing and presenting. Then I heard that JLo herself would be performing her newest single off of the latest album. I have always been a fan, she is very fun to watch, JLo's dance skills and fashion have many of us wanting more.....The last I had heard of "Jenny" was that she was married to Marc Anthony and they had recently added to their little family by two, twins to be exact. I wondered how all of this had impacted her life; sometimes changes like these can set you off your original goal. I watched in dismay, I couldn't believe my eyes; the beginning of her performance was the usual JLo. Very glitzy and glam all eyes on her strutting her way up to the stage. And then it happened very slowly, the lyrics which were repeated over and over all about her Boutinones?? Was this really what America was waiting for, a song similar to "boots were made for walking" but instead now it’s the more fashion forward version of her "Boutiones". I sat there wondering who actually told her that this was ok? Much less a hit? As I wondered to myself what else could go wrong. Boom, dropped it meaning he derrière on the floor, for all to see. I didn't know which one was worse the outfit that she had on that night or the flop of her performance? With all this I felt bad for "J"; I don't think it was the right time for her to debut much less, the wrong song. In the music industry when one has been away for awhile it’s very important that you come back strong. In this case I am not so sure....