Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Heavy Metal

So, I have never been really good at accessorizing. You know buying that one new outfit and having to match the right accessories and not knowing when too much is too much. Well, what is too much? I am constantly admiring how other people are accessorized whether it's bracelets chains or rings it all amazes me. While going through the checkout line at the grocery store I quickly scan through the necessary pages and with my photogenic memory I manage to capture the look and file it until later. While trying to prepare for a night out with friends for drinks and appy's to catch up on the last couple of weeks. I manage to bring the items out of the bags that I had purchased days earlier for this get together. Again after a few hours of primping and getting ready I nervously again start trying out each and every item one by one. Concentrating on every link, bead, color and texture. I mathematically combine all and stand in front of the mirror. So, after all this and reading countless fashion mags. I find myself looking like some rocker from the eighties. Why is that my friend can pull this look off and I can't? Finally, it comes to me it’s not the accessories, it’s me. I don't feel comfortable with my new killer bracelet which now that I think about it if I were to be in a difficult situation and needed to defend myself I could probably utilize this little piece as of weapon. Back on to me though I don't feel comfortable, I feel so different that I can't see past the new trimmings that I have so carefully adorned on myself. I tell myself that I need to let it go and stop thinking about it and just be it. When I finally showed up the get together I felt great and quite put together, I could have been working for any one of those magazines that I normally browse through at the supermarket. For anyone that is interested I did get a quite a few compliments on my new bracelet. Rock on!

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